Weekly opportunities this month for new members to join the club and reap the reward of membership!
Dates: July 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st
Introduction to Trap Shooting:
Ever wondered what Trap Shooting was about but didn’t know where to start?
Are you looking for a new outdoor activity that tests your accuracy and reflexes?
Trap Shooting is a type of clay pigeon shooting that involves shooting at targets that are launched from a “trap house”.
If you’re interested in learning how to trap shoot, we invite you to join our introduction to Trap Shooting course. You will be guided through the basics of trap shooting by experienced shooters in a safe environment. Our experienced instructors will teach you the fundamentals of trap shooting, including proper gun handling and gun safety.
There is a Men’s Steak Night on June 9th. Sign up for a night of shooting and visiting, finished off with a large portioned steak, and all the fixings.
Junior Shoot
There is a junior night on July 10th. This no cost event is a great night of introduction to junior shooters to introduce them to the great offerings of shotgun sports. Also a great opportunity to volunteer to help out the next generation of Shotgun Sports Enthusiasts. Watch for club emails to help out.
Greetings members and visitors! There are a lot of events going on at the Gun Club this June. Don’t forget to sign up and take part.
Gun Club Orientations:
Weekly opportunities this month for new members to join the club and reap the reward of membership!
Dates: June 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
A.T.A. Registered Shoot:
The club is hosting an Amateur Trapshooting Association Event at the club June 8th and 9th. Watch for club emails for your chance to help out and volunteer as we host the shooters.
Men’s Steak Night
There is a Men’s Steak Night on June 11th. Sign up for a night of shooting, visiting, a large portioned steak, and all the fixings.
Junior Shoot
There is a junior night on June 12th. A great night of introduction to junior shooters to introduce them to the great offerings of shotgun sports. Also a great opportunity to volunteer to help out the next generation of Shotgun Sports Enthusiasts. Watch for club emails to help out.
Recreational and Competitive Shotgun Shooting Sports in Saskatoon and Area