July 31, 2024
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
As per the Club rules, it is mandatory that all new members take an orientation course prior to becoming a member, $60 – includes 25 targets and 25 shells.
Membership Orientation is only available to those having a Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) or in the case of a family membership an adult member of the family with a PAL.
Orientation sessions are held every Wednesday 6:30pm (pending registrations). Registrations for the event must be received prior to 8pm the day previous (Tuesday)
Any new members unable to attend a scheduled Wednesday night orientation can phone the club and arrange a new date and time. The new date and time will be dependent on the availability of orientation volunteers.
Orientation has a maximum limit of 5 attendees. Click the show details + tag below for more information.